On the Issues

See Where Heath Stands

Representative Howard is committed to ...

New Hampshire schools have been found to be unconstitutionally underfunded and the impacts are clear. We need to provide more resources to our students and teachers to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity for an adequate education. This past term, I worked with other legislators to get bills past the House that would have increased general and special education funding, but unfortunately the Senate blocked these important measures. I will continue to advocate for public education by fighting back against the lack of oversight and continuous overspending of the voucher program, which takes money away from public schools. We need to protect the rights of students to learn freely and the rights of teachers to teach.

Blah blah blah

We need to improve healthcare access in our state; with rising costs and limited options for people, we can do this by expanding opportunities for individuals to join healthcare networks. Providing alternative treatment options is another way forward to help eliminate the strain on our healthcare system, but allow people to look for the option that best works for them. New Hampshire has seen a huge problem with the opioid epidemic and we are not going to solve this problem by maintaining the status quo. As a therapeutic cannabis patient, Heath knows the benefits of switching to a medical alternative to opioids.

Growing up in New Hampshire, spending time outdoors was a huge part of my childhood. I am committed to addressing key issues facing our community including preserving water quality, protecting our forests and parks, tackling climate change, addressing PFAS contamination, and improving our state's drinking water monitoring programs.

Growing up in New Hampshire, spending time outdoors was a huge part of Heath's childhood. He is committed to addressing key issues facing our community including preserving water quality, protecting our forests and parks, tackling climate change, addressing PFAS contamination, and improving our state's drinking water monitoring programs.

Blah blah blah

Reproductive rights are on the line and my record proves that I'm willing to stand up for the right to choose. It is not the job of the government to get between a doctor and a patient over any medical decision. Abortion is healthcare and saves lives. Pregnancies do not always go to plan and when the life of a mother is in danger the government shouldn't be getting in the way. To ban abortion without exceptions is extreme, but that is the type of language we are fighting in the State House. What we need is to provide age-appropriate education in schools, so we can prepare young-adults to make smart decisions in the future about starting families of their own.

County Nursing Home

Representative Howard is committed to ...

The Strafford County Nursing Home has been in need of an upgrade for quite a while and we need a comprehensive replacement plan that won't fail our community. Seniors are one of the most vulnerable groups in society and it is our duty to provide for them. Our County Commissioners have done a great job at providing us the best bargain for our dollar options, but we are a few votes short of passing it. Republicans are demanding complete control over the building committee, selection of who is on the committee, the architect, and the final plan. This has stonewalled progress because it completely neglects the roles of elected officials and the contract bidding system.

Growing up in New Hampshire, spending time outdoors was a huge part of my childhood. I am committed to addressing key issues facing our community including preserving water quality, protecting our forests and parks, tackling climate change, addressing PFAS contamination, and improving our state's drinking water monitoring programs.

Broadband access in Strafford and Barrington has been extremely limited and Heath has been working hard to provide more options for residents in our area. Internet service providers act as a monopoly in areas like Strafford and Barrington because there is no competition. Relying on monopolies to address reoccurring service problems is not a good solution. We need to force these companies to actually compete, otherwise they will not innovate.

Campaign Promises

Working towards a better NH

Continuation of a Bipartisan Record

Fight for public education

Lowering healthcare costs and expanding options

Ensure an environment for future generations

Expand access to broadband

Getting Things Done

Heath has spent his time in Concord looking at bills based off of how they will affect our state, and not by which party they come from. His experiences guide his judgement in ensuring we pass the best policy possible.

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